Juggling Parenting and Career: Strategies for Finding Balance

Finding balance between parenting and a career is something that many women struggle with. On one hand, you want to be fully present for your children—to nurture, support, and guide them as they grow. On the other hand, you have professional goals, responsibilities, and ambitions that are important to you. It’s no surprise that trying to juggle these two worlds often leads to stress, exhaustion, and feelings of inadequacy.

If you’ve ever found yourself torn between the demands of work and family, you’re not alone. The pressure to excel in both areas can feel overwhelming, but the good news is that balance is possible—it just might look different than what you imagined.

Why Is Finding Balance So Hard?

The truth is, we can have it all.  We can be a great mum and a successful career woman.  However, there isn’t a one size fits all approach to this.  Every woman is different and so are her circumstances and available resources.  

We put unrealistic pressure on ourselves, striving for perfectionism and to meet the expectations of society and our family.  They aren’t you - nor do they know what it's like to be you.  Our best day can differ each day, and that's ok.  We can only control what we do, and how we respond.  We cannot control what happens at work, and the mood our children will be in when we get home.  We need to be more compassionate with ourselves.  We need to break the stigma of asking for help and put our hand up more when we need it.   Asking for help doesn’t mean you’re not up for the job, or that you aren’t a good mum. Seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness.  The pressure we put on ourselves to meet these impossible standards can leave you feeling stretched too thin and like you're constantly failing in one area or the other.

The reality is that balance isn’t about doing everything perfectly. It’s about making intentional choices that allow you to focus on what works best for you, what matters most, without burning out. It’s also about being kind to yourself and letting go of the need to be everything to everyone.

Understanding why it feels so hard to juggle parenting and a career is the first step toward finding a healthier, more sustainable way forward. If you’re also feeling the physical toll of stress from this balancing act, explore more about how stress affects your physical and mental health and how you can manage it effectively.

Practical Strategies for Finding Balance

The following strategies can help you strike a better balance between parenting and your career without sacrificing your well-being:

  1. Prioritise what matters most: It’s impossible to give 100% to everything all the time. Instead of trying to do it all, take a step back and evaluate what matters most to you in this season of life. Are there areas where you can scale back or delegate responsibilities? Prioritising what’s truly important will help you let go of the things that don’t serve you.

  2. Set boundaries: One of the most powerful tools for maintaining balance is setting clear boundaries at work and at home. When you’re working, be fully present in your professional role; when you’re with your family, be present with them. Saying no to extra work or social obligations that don’t align with your priorities can free up time and energy. Learn more about how to set healthy boundaries to protect your well-being.

  3. Delegate and outsource: You don’t have to do everything yourself. Whether it’s delegating tasks at work or getting help with household chores, lightening your load can make a big difference. 

  4. Practice self-care: As a parent and professional, it’s easy to put your own needs last. But self-care is essential to maintaining your energy and resilience. Make time for activities that nurture your mind, body, and spirit. For ideas on how to prioritise your well-being, check out our guide on practical ways to make time for self-care.

  5. Be flexible with your definition of balance: Balance doesn’t have to mean splitting your time equally between work and family. There will be seasons when your career demands more attention and others when your family needs more of you. Embrace flexibility and be willing to adapt your approach as your circumstances change.

Embracing Imperfection

It’s important to remember that no one has it all figured out. Parenting and working at the same time is challenging, and it’s normal to feel like you’re falling short sometimes. What matters most is that you’re showing up for the people and things that matter.  Your best day may look different every day and that’s ok.  It's enough.

Letting go of perfectionism and embracing imperfection can help reduce the pressure you place on yourself. By being compassionate toward yourself and recognising that it’s okay to ask for help, you’ll create space for more balance in your life.

How we can help

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the demands of parenting and a career, consider reaching out for support. Speaking with a counsellor can provide clarity and perspective on your situation, supporting you to find solutions best for you for managing stress. If you’re ready to explore how to create a healthier balance, book a time to chat with Chat It Out. Together, we can develop a plan that allows you to thrive in both your personal and professional life.


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