Exam Time - How Parents can Support their Teen

In the lead-up to exams, teenagers often experience symptoms like heightened stress, anxiety, trouble sleeping, and difficulty concentrating. They may also feel overwhelmed, irritable, or experience physical signs of stress, such as headaches or nausea.

How can parents help?

 While parents may feel confident about what a healthy study routine looks like, it's important to recognise that every teen learns and retains information differently.  Some common learning styles are:

·      Visual Learners – Learn best through images, diagrams, and visual aids.

·      Auditory Learners – Retain information through listening to discussions, lectures, or music.

·      Reading/Writing Learners – Prefer learning through reading texts and taking notes.

·      Kinesthetic Learners – Understand concepts better through hands-on activities and movement.

 Parents can offer emotional support by actively listening to their teen’s concerns without judgment, reassuring them that it’s okay to feel stressed, and reminding them that their worth isn’t tied to exam results.

 When teens are stressed and pressed for time before an exam, cooking a healthy meal is often the last thing on their minds. Parents can support their well-being by preparing nutritious snacks and using these moments as a chance to check in and offer encouragement.

 The stress and anxiety teens experience during exams can lead to irritability and unintentional outbursts. It's important to maintain clear boundaries while also staying patient and empathetic, understanding what your teen is going through, and choosing which battles are worth addressing.

 While scrolling through social media may feel like a natural way to take a break, research shows it provides minimal mental recovery. Engaging with social media can actually prolong stress by overstimulating the brain, making activities like stretching, walking, or mindfulness more effective for true relaxation and recharging.

Supporting teens through exam time requires patience, empathy, and balance – it can be challenging for parents as well. The stress and anxiety that teens experience often ripple into family dynamics, making communication difficult and creating tension at home. Parents may feel overwhelmed trying to balance their own responsibilities while providing emotional support, guidance, and encouragement. Additionally, navigating the fine line between offering help and giving space can be tricky, leaving parents feeling uncertain about the best approach. Ultimately, it's a shared journey that requires understanding and patience from both sides.

If you or your teen need support managing stress and anxiety, why not book a time with Chat it Out Counselling and Wellness.  We can work together to develop strategies that fit into your unique lifestyle, helping you feel more calm, resilient and clear headed.

 You may also find the below articles helpful.

 Managing Anxiety

The Importance of Self Care

Mindfulness Techniques for Everyday Life

The Impact of Stress on Health.




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